Relationship Counselling

I have been married to my wife Judy since 1984 and I have three adult sons who are also now parents. I’m passionate about healthy relationships and I believe the secret is emotional maturity - understanding who owns what, being differentiated from each other, resolving conflict constructively, and breaking down barriers created by miscommunication, unfaithfulness, mistrust, addiction, secrecy and anger. Intimacy is possible in the most difficult of relationships.


Often when a marriage is under the most amount of stress, it is starting to be effective as a growth tool. If your marriage feels like it’s hit an immovable roadblock, your best years might be just around the corner. I will help you reframe how you make sense of each other and show you how you can communicate in an entirely new and constructive way.


I provide support for a broad variety of relationship issues, including:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Communication breakdown
  • Separation
  • Resolving problems with intimacy (emotional and sexual)
  • Infidelity and restoring trust
  • Working through transitions (becoming parents, becoming empty nesters, retirement, etc)


Transforming Trauma

Taking the quantum leap into unconscious regulation Therapists who navigate trauma with their clients often find the process …